Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Cheetas on Cocaine...Driving in L.A.

My first voyages out of my flu haze onto the highways of L.A. were as a passenger. I kept thinking I was better, but everytime I got in the car I would regress. For now we are living on the top of a mountain, 20 minutes from L.A. proper, which means a miserably winding road to get to the nearest highway. UUUGGG!
Once on the highway cars wiz past and each curve feels like it might be your last. Tim had gotten into the speed of things straight away. "Are you on crack? Why are you driving like that?", I asked, when we came dangerously close to smashing into the back of a semi. "This is how people drive here. You'll see. It just looks scarry.", Tim said, while trying once again to get in the "right" lane. (The right lane sneaks up on you)
I realize now that driving here isn't much different than Atlanta. I'm even getting used to the winding roads. I havn't lost my dinner in days!

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