Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Milledge Avenue Blondes..And one Red Head

The beginning of fall semester in a college town brings excitement for some and loathing for others. I suppose there are some who don't notice, but Never Never Land is not a place one can stay forever. Though Milledge Avenue is bordered by some of the most drop dead gorgeous mansions in Athens, or maybe even the S.E., it is the most claustrophobic road to be relegated to during your morning commute. I travel down Milledge twice sometimes four times a day. Lucky for me there is always a lot to look at as the flow of traffic creeps along this two laned avenue. During the summer I got to wonder about the runnerexics and and keep track of the daily changes in one of the mansions being spiffed up. I watched as more and more of the carved swirling details were uncovered. The wood color appealed to me far more than the white wash that had been there before.
On the first day of classes the spectacle is different. The side walk becomes a virtual fashion show as the "purty gurlz" strut their stuff and hope some overly tanned harried sorority sister takes a shine to her, adds an appletini, and stirs her social life glass. It's two parts sad, one part annoying, and .5 parts helpful to watch the girls funnel like sheep onto the lawn of pie alpha gamda so what house. Sad because they so look desperate and unsure. Annoying because there are so many people watching the throng of young women that traffic is even slower. Finally, it is helpful because these young women let you know what's being sold in stores. No need to go shopping if you don't see anything you like on these high heeled hopefuls. Their dresses vary they usually do not.
Just when you think that there is not a sorethumb among them up pops a true redhead. Not the weird Burgundy you see on the girl who is trying to be more grown up than she is. The real frecklefaced, light lashes and eyebrows (among other things) type. Separated from her herd she stopped on the sidewalk, made a scrunched up face, kicked off those damn uncomfortable heels and stepped into a pair of flipflops she had brought just for this moment. That's right big sister's not watching. You can be yourself for a moment.
What is truly remarkable is how done up and over these women look. Upon close inspection (when the traffic light is red) I realize that many of them are using the power of the tan and a good haircut to turn a normal looking person into the cover of Teen magazine. That is artistry!
With all of the flurry of thoughts invoked by the parade of highlights and flower dresses I almost forgot to look at the progress of the house being redone. Through the glare of the "purty gurlz" bronzer I could see it. The house complete... perfect and painted just like its occupants.

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